And we’re off…

Today is the day!…This evening we will be hopping on a plane and making our way over the ocean towards Germany! The kids say they are pumped to watch movies all night and Jameson and I are ready to snooze once we get on our flight. One of our friends will be picking us up in Basel, Switzerland (after a 7 hour layover in Paris-prayers appreciated for our whole crew!) We land around 7pm and then Katrina will drive us to our new address: Am Herrenpfad 6, 79400 Kandern, Germany Europe.

These last weeks have been a whirlwind;

We packed up our house, moved out about a week and a half ago. A truck came and picked up our crate (it should get there in 6-8 weeks) Over the past few weeks we’ve been saying some ‘goodbyes’ or ‘see-you-laters’ and those haven’t been easy…we are feeling ready for some ‘hello’s!’, or should I say, “Guten Tags” ;)

This last week we were up North and were able to spend time with both of our families. We are so grateful for that time!

Today, I’m keeping this blog short and simple, but we just wanted to check in before we land in Europe.

We are so grateful for you all!

Bis spaeter!

~Kristen & Jameson


We have arrived!


Quick Update